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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is there any relationship between learning style preference and level of motivation among students in learning English?

WARNING: The image has nothing to do with the entry =)

Last night, i was awaken by the fact that i want to explore if there is a relationship between learning style preference and level of motivation among students when they learn English language.

I want to study the relationship between learning style preferred by students in learning English and how it effects their level of motivations towards learning the language.

Am still wondering if this is accepted as topic or not.
Am still confused as well. 
I'll try to come out with research problem, hypotheses, limitations of study and significance of the study eventually.

Regarding the literature review am in the middle of exploring all the previous studies which related to my statement of problem.

 ALLAH help me please!

Monday, March 1, 2010

PaGE 39 - 44

Page 39-44

What are the significances about page 39-44?

I have finished reading page 39- 44, however im still in the mist of understanding, coping, digesting everything and save it into my brain.

[hmm refers to a research which is being conducted systematically =/]

[is a concept- any characteristics that varies among certaion gropu of people ; for instance, eye color, achievement, motivation, spunk, styles, lust for life etc]

[any characteristics / quality that is the same for all members of a particular group]

[independent variable may be affecting the dependent variables, thus, dependent variable depend on the independent variables]




p/s : am donno what to write anymore................................ ;/ which means read the pages again.. ;<

TeaCHiNG Styles VeRsUs LeaRNiNG sTyLes =]

This article,%20McC%20&%20Vreken%20(28)%20-%20%20Vol%2014%20No%202%202006.pdf

focuses on the different types of learning styles which determine the performances of the students.

The mismatches between teachers teaching styles and students learning styles could lead to demotivation, discouragement and underperformance

I think this article could help me to understand the relationships and the differences between teachers teaching styles and students learning styles which usually lead to students performances in the classroom settings