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Sunday, February 28, 2010

LeaRniNG StyLeS MoDELs

After reading this article I’ve found out few Learning Styles Models which can be incorporated with my research. Basically there are four types of learning styles models:

i. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which focusing on [Extrovert –Introvert, Feeling – Thinking, Sensing – Intuitive and Judging – Perceiving]

ii. Kolb / McCarthy Learning Cycle which emphasizing on [Active-Reflective and Concrete-Abstract]

iii. Felder- Silverman Learning Styles Model which stressing on [Active-Reflective,
 Feeling – Thinking,
Visual – Verbal, Inductive – Deductive and Sequential – Global]

iv. Grasha – Riechman Learning Styles which preferred to [styles, characteristics and classroom preferences]

Learning and Teaching Styles In Foreign and Second Language Education


Looking at this article I think it could support my variable which is Learning Styles. This article focuses on the varies between students learning styles and teachers teaching styles. As far as im concerned there are 5 dimensions of learning styles adopt and adapt by the students which are:

i. Whether students preferentially perceive information using sensory [sights], sounds, physical sensations, or intuitive [memories, ideas or insights]

ii. Which modality is sensory information perceived ; visual or verbal

iii. In order to process the information, which methods students prefer to apply : actively or reflectively

iv. Students progression towards understanding the information whether sequentially or globally

v. With which organization of information is the student most comfortable: inductive or deductive