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Sunday, February 28, 2010

LeaRniNG StyLeS MoDELs

After reading this article I’ve found out few Learning Styles Models which can be incorporated with my research. Basically there are four types of learning styles models:

i. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which focusing on [Extrovert –Introvert, Feeling – Thinking, Sensing – Intuitive and Judging – Perceiving]

ii. Kolb / McCarthy Learning Cycle which emphasizing on [Active-Reflective and Concrete-Abstract]

iii. Felder- Silverman Learning Styles Model which stressing on [Active-Reflective,
 Feeling – Thinking,
Visual – Verbal, Inductive – Deductive and Sequential – Global]

iv. Grasha – Riechman Learning Styles which preferred to [styles, characteristics and classroom preferences]

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